On 30 November, the presentation of the photographic exhibition “Genova mia città intera” (My Whole City of Genoa), promoted by “Fondazione Paolo e Giuliana Clerici”, was held at the Galata Museo del Mare in Genoa.
A collection of 15 black and white images selected from the Francesco Leoni photographic archive flanked by Luca Forno’s colour shots.
The exhibition, conceived by photographer Luca Forno and curated by Anna Dentoni and Marco Riolfo with the scientific coordination of Paola Leoni, owes its name to Giorgio Caproni’s Litania, a poem that encapsulates the essence of Genoa and, like it, is intended to be one of the most evocative celebrations of the Ligurian city.
Eight themes have been identified and chosen to celebrate, through the “memory of doing”, the image of Genoa as it is seen today: the transformation of the Port in the post-war period, the laying of the fountain in Piazza de Ferrari, the Fiera del Mare, the construction of Piccapietra, the Morandi Bridge and the Sopraelevata, and the construction of the quarters of Via Madre di Dio and Corte Lambruschini.
With over 3 million images that tell the story of Genoa’s history, from the early post-war period to the end of the 1990s, the archive of photoreporter Francesco Leoni, one of the leading exponents of journalistic photography in the 1950s and 1960s, is a prestigious legacy that the Paolo and Giuliana Clerici Foundation wanted to acquire and make available to all, through the valuable cooperation of Mu.MA. This is a further initiative that testifies to the attention of the Foundation, but also and above all of the Coeclerici Group towards themes of great social and cultural value, and the strong link that has always bound Coeclerici with Genoa, the city where the entrepreneurial history of the company began about 130 years ago.